Porcelain Artist & Teacher Ulf Trittel

Power of Porcelain

About Ulf Trittel

  • Born 1961, in Brandenburg / Havel, Germany
  • Starting in 1978: Porcelain painter apprentice in Meissen for flower decor and later, received special training in bird and animal painting
  • Until 1987: Porcelain painter in Meissen, specializing in bird decor.
  • 1990 -1993: Porcelain painter in Nymphenburg, Munich
  • 1994 to present: Freelance artist with several exhibitions in the Munich area.
  • Lives and works in Freising, near Munich
  • Courses for drawing and porcelain painting at several adult education centers
  • Porcelain and painting courses in Osaka and Tokyo, Japan


Offer ....

  • restoration of porcelain brand  incl. cleaning and Gold refresh as needed
  • Lessons in china painting / glaze, like individual lessons also sign and painting classes for beginners and advanced
  • Binder compilation on applying to art schools and Academies
  • Unique painting for templates and wishes of the customer et al Portrait orders in many techniques; also on porcelain
  • Font painting (also to be restored)


Ulf Trittel
Untere Domberggasse 2
D - 85354 Freising

Tel.: +49-8161-919 465

E-Mail: ulf@trittel.org